As you stand outside you’ll notice picture windows of the bar framing a multitude of homos, the amps floodlighting the stone columns, the pop dance music blaring out, the drag queen on the door who’ll either shout you down or lap you right up and the name – the gayest name a bar could have. Inside the story continues; loud, thronging and about a hundred floors high. An essential stop on any pub crawl.
For Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual activists, the word “Stonewall” signifies quite possibly the most important, single landmark on the day that Judy Garland died in the world wide struggle for gay rights.
Most chroniclers of the homosexual rights movement trace the beginnings of the movement’s militant phase to 1969 and New York’s lower-Manhattan (largely gay frequented) Stonewall Bar. There, for the first time on record, homosexual patrons fought back when Stonewall was raided one hot summer night by New York City policeman, who came hoping to arrest gay individuals for engaging in then illegal homosexual acts.
Eyewitnesses claim that the stonewall patrons’ counter-riot began when one burly, Stonewall patron hurled a lidded, metal garbage can filled with empty liquor bottles through a police car window.
Ever since that night, Stonewall has been revered as an enduring symbol of the gay militant spark lit that night, which has become a gay/lesbian/bisexual militant conflagration setting America—and the world—aflame with gay rights issues and conflicts.
Mostly male clientele and are often referred to as Sydney’s best Gay and Lesbian venue. Stonewall Hotel comprises of three levels these include a Public Bar, Cocktail Bar and our VIP Bar/ Functions Room. Stonewall Hotel provides entertainment every night of the week. Featuring Sydney’s top DJs and finest drag performers and entertainment personalities.
For Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual activists, the word “Stonewall” signifies quite possibly the most important, single landmark on the day that Judy Garland died in the world wide struggle for gay rights.
Most chroniclers of the homosexual rights movement trace the beginnings of the movement’s militant phase to 1969 and New York’s lower-Manhattan (largely gay frequented) Stonewall Bar. There, for the first time on record, homosexual patrons fought back when Stonewall was raided one hot summer night by New York City policeman, who came hoping to arrest gay individuals for engaging in then illegal homosexual acts.
Eyewitnesses claim that the stonewall patrons’ counter-riot began when one burly, Stonewall patron hurled a lidded, metal garbage can filled with empty liquor bottles through a police car window.
Ever since that night, Stonewall has been revered as an enduring symbol of the gay militant spark lit that night, which has become a gay/lesbian/bisexual militant conflagration setting America—and the world—aflame with gay rights issues and conflicts.
Mostly male clientele and are often referred to as Sydney’s best Gay and Lesbian venue. Stonewall Hotel comprises of three levels these include a Public Bar, Cocktail Bar and our VIP Bar/ Functions Room. Stonewall Hotel provides entertainment every night of the week. Featuring Sydney’s top DJs and finest drag performers and entertainment personalities.
Gay Pub
175 Oxford St, Darlinghurst
612 9360 1963
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