How do I unsubscribe from Lesbian Match Maker?

Hey there! Are you sure you want to leave us? We'll miss you a lot!

Account closure is permanent - we recommend taking a break instead.

Take a break:

  • Reinstate your account in the future without starting from scratch
  • Your profile will remain invisible to other users
  • Your profile will not appear in searches
  • Other members, including those you have previously contact, will be unable to contact you
  • Remaining credits will remain frozen until you choose to reactivate your account
  • Premium Membership renewal payments will be frozen until you choose to reactivate your account

Close account

Close your account by pressing on the round icon with your profile photo then selecting the Settings. On the following menu, press "Account Details". At the bottom of this page you will find the link "Take a break or close account", then select 'Close your account'.